FAILURE TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS may result in an automatic rejection of your application.
- Answer all examination questions completely in your own words.
- NADOI wants to know how you teach your students to train their dogs. Be specific in describing what you tell your students to do to train their dogs. We suggest you review this example on how to be specific in answering a question: How To Make Toast
- Some questions will ask for detailed answers. Expect to submit a minimum of 1,000 words for each question that requests a detailed answer.
- NADOI is looking for step-by-step methodology rather than general descriptions.
- Failure to go into enough detail about techniques and methods will result in your application being rejected. Failure to describe steps from introduction to reliable response where indicated will result in your application being rejected.
- 'Reliable response' means that the dog responds to commands without bribes or extra leash and/or voice cues.
- Be sure to read the Video Guidelines as you plan and create the required video.
- Separate documents, copies of handouts, or homework
sheets will not be accepted as the complete answer for any of the
questions with the exception of the following two:
- "What background information do you get from your students? If you use a form, you may attach/upload it as your answer to this question."
- "Tell us about what you teach in each lesson: How did you decide what will be taught in each lesson? Include a copy of your curriculum, if you use one."
However, if you have handouts for students on a given subject, you may submit them as supporting information IN ADDITION to your responses. We will accept files in PDF or JPG format only. The author of all handouts must be listed on the handout.
- This examination is geared toward the practical application of your knowledge. If you teach strictly competition obedience, you will need to approach your answers from the standpoint of either how you would apply competition obedience to real-life situations, or how you would handle the situation as asked.
The online application is no longer being used. You will use a downloadable version of the application. This Word doc is completed offline, and then submitted when finished.