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About NADOI Associate Membership

What is NADOI?

The National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors was founded in 1965 with a goal of promoting humane and effective dog training. That goal remains the same today, and we are reaching out to the dog training community to ask them to join us in promoting the idea that skills and experience are the hallmarks of a dog trainer who can be both humane and effective. NADOI does not discriminate against or endorse any particular training tool, method or philosophy.

Why Should I Join?

NADOI Associate Membership brings many benefits to people interested in dogs, dog training, and dog behavior. NADOI is a long established community of top-notch dog trainers, and Associate Membership offers a chance to join in our discussions, ask questions, and get reduced prices on NADOI sponsored events. You will benefit from industry discounts that range from books to e-training to business insurance.

Learn from the best! If you want to be a dog trainer, joining NADOI is a great way to start. There is no better place to learn than from the folks that have been training and instructing for decades. NADOI has been the premier organization for dog trainers for almost sixty years, and our Certified Members are all highly skilled and knowledgeable. We are eager to share our excitement with the profession with others. 

Become a better dog trainer! If you are already an up-and-coming dog trainer, Associate Membership gets you started on the path to becoming a Certified Dog Trainer. Earning NADOI Certified Membership is challenging, but your Associate Membership will help you to enhance your existing skills and expand your knowledge base, both critical aspects to Certification.

Am I Eligible to Apply?

NADOI has opened the Associate Membership to a broad group of interested people. Requirements are simple:

  • Be at least 13 years old
  • Have an interest in dog training and behavior
  • Agree to abide by our Code of Ethics

How Do I Apply?

  • No lengthy application to complete: just tell us a little bit about yourself
  • No test to complete
  • No application fee: just dues for the upcoming year
  • Dues amount is prorated based on the date you apply
  • Read the Code of Ethics and agree to abide by it
  • Fast approval - you'll usually hear back within two days 

How Much Will I Pay?

The yearly dues are usually $35. But if you join in the middle of the year, you'll pay less because we prorate the amount due.

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